
July 2024

Next Step Towards A Neighborhood Improvement Area

– The Special-Purpose District Informs About The Current State Of Affairs In The Preparatory Investigations With A Public Event On July 24, 2024
Auf dem Bild stehen 10 Personen um einen Stehtisch und betrachten eine Karte an einer weißen Tafel

Inviting the public and land owners concerned by the process to Ferdinand-Reidel-Saal of the City of Leimen on July 24, 2024, the Zweckverband “Interkommunales Gewerbe- und Industriegebiet Heidelberg – Leimen” (Special-Purpose District “Inter-Municipal Commercial and Industrial Area Heidelberg-Leimen”) together with LBBW Immobilien Kommunalentwicklung GmbH (KE) presented the current state of affairs concerning the preparatory investigations for designating a neighborhood improvement area.

Legal consequences of the preparatory investigations, framework conditions for funding and the framework plan approved by the Special-Purpose District’s Assembly on July 16, 2024, as well as the consequences of the officially approved improvement statutes were presented at the event. The two round tables afterwards, each on a specific subject, met with lively interest from attendees who used the opportunity to talk about their concerns in more detail.

The preparatory investigations are set to uncover urban development issues in the area of investigation, substantiate the necessity of improvement measures as well as determine improvement goals. LBBW Immobilien Kommunalentwicklung GmbH (KE) has been charged with these investigations.

On May 5, 2023, the Special-Purpose District was accepted to the Government and Federal States Program “Urban Development Support” and was granted a funding approval in the amount of EUR 3.2M as part of the urban development of towns, cities and communities. The program is set to run until April 2032 but might be prolonged under certain conditions. The goal is to designate an improvement area. In order to formally designate an improvement area, preparatory investigations are required according to section 141 of the German Baugesetzbuch (Building Code).

The presentation of the event is published here.

You can find the minutes of the public meeting here.