E-Mail: horst.althoff@heidelberg.de
Phone: 06221 58 10202
Cell: +49 (0)172 368 5813
President of the Special-Purpose District
Five representatives from the City Council of each supporting municipality
John Ehret, Mayor of Leimen
E-Mail: horst.althoff@heidelberg.de
Phone: 06221 58 10202
Cell: +49 (0)172 368 5813
E-Mail: alena.kaltenmaier@heidelberg.de
Phone: 06221 58 10152
Cell: +49 (0)170 497 3145
With the letter of intent from July 5, 2018, the two Cities, Heidelberg and Leimen, created a joint operating framework.
The statutes of the Special-Purpose District were adopted by its members in the constituent session on March 17, 2021. The current version of the statutes, including an official demarcation plan, is available here.
On November 7, 2023, the Assembly of the Special-Purpose District adopted the budget statutes including the budget plan for the financial year 2024.
We are working on the current financial statement as of December 31, 2022, including an accountability report. The statement will be presented to the board for adoption during the Special-Purpose District’s Assembly on November 7, 2023. The financial statement for 2022 is available here.