The Special-Purpose District


Bodies of the Special-Purpose District

Assembly of the Special-Purpose District

Five representatives from the City Council of each supporting municipality

President of the Special-Purpose District

John Ehret, Mayor of Leimen

Vice-Presidents of the Special-Purpose District
  • Prof. Dr. Eckart Würzner, Mayor of Heidelberg
  • Jürgen Odszuck, First Deputy Mayor of Heidelberg
  • Claudia Felden, Deputy Mayor of Leimen
Managing Directors
  • Horst Althoff, Managing Director
  • Walter Stamm, Deputy Managing Director
Committees with Decision-Making Powers
  • Building Committee
  • Marketing Committee

Chairmen of the Board

John Ehret, Leimen
President of the Special-Purpose District
Prof. Dr. Eckart Würzner, Heidelberg
Vice-President of the Special-Purpose District
First Deputy Mayor
Jürgen Odszuck, Heidelberg
Vice-President of the Special-Purpose District
Deputy Mayor
Claudia Felden, Leimen
Vice-President of the Special-Purpose District

Get in touch

Tasks and Goals

Tasks and Goals

  • Developing areas that are either unsettled or that have been reinstated
  • Developing and marketing the areas of the Special-Purpose District’s territory by creating and reusing industrial and commercial areas
  • Attracting companies mainly from the sustainable construction and the medical technology sector, taking into account climate and environmental protection aspects
  • Taking into account the interests of local companies
  • Improving transport infrastructure
  • Improving quality of recreation
  • Maintaining and creating jobs

Meetings and Documents

Documents and dates relating to meetings can be found in our Inter-Municipal Document Management and Information System.




Letter of Intent

With the letter of intent from July 5, 2018, the two Cities, Heidelberg and Leimen, created a joint operating framework.


Statutes of the Special-Purpose District, including official demarcation plan

The statutes of the Special-Purpose District were adopted by its members in the constituent session on March 17, 2021. The current version of the statutes, including an official demarcation plan, is available here.


Budget 2024

On November 7, 2023, the Assembly of the Special-Purpose District adopted the budget statutes including the budget plan for the financial year 2024.


Financial Statement 2022

We are working on the current financial statement as of December 31, 2022, including an accountability report. The statement will be presented to the board for adoption during the Special-Purpose District’s Assembly on November 7, 2023. The financial statement for 2022 is available here.
